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Established February 2020

-   ABOUT US  -


Tracey’s ultimate retirement plan was always to open up a breakfast and lunch place. This was a little more than she wanted to undertake. She loves to cook for people and loves when people enjoy her food. When trying to think of a name for the bar, Jody (Tracey's husband) remembered hearing stories from family about bootlegging activities in our area during the Prohibition Era (1920-1933). During Prohibition, it was illegal to manufacture, sell or transport alcohol in the United States.

At Prohibition’s, The Backyard Speakeasy is an outside/inside bar, having a roof, vinyl sides and heated during the winter months. It was designed to be a relaxing outdoor atmosphere for customers to enjoy some delicious food from our kitchen and thirst-quenching drinks. During Prohibition, a speakeasy was given to illegal, secretive drinking establishments. Illegal stills were being used during the Prohibition and large quantities were smuggled from Canada. Bootlegging became a major business activity for organized crime under gangsters, such as Al Capone and Lucky Luciano.

Prohibition lost support during the Great Depression in 1929. Repeal of Prohibition was accomplished with the ratification of the 21st Amendment on December 5, 1933 during the term of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Our bar is decorated with memorabilia related to the Prohibition era. We even have an early 1930’s Model-A car situated on our property to symbolize the time period. Hope you have the opportunity to stop by for a drink, some good food and a great time. Our friendly staff is ready to serve you!

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© 2022 Prohibition's Bar and Restaurant

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